Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Road Back, Part 3

The last thing he remembered was a knock on the door, and there stood two people he didn't know.  They look familiar, but he couldn't place who they were.  How long had that been?  He remembered it was early afternoon, and he had just started his daily happy hour after finishing his work for the day. 

" Hey, Pete!  How you doing?"  The man asked with a grin. The woman just stood there smiling slowly and not speaking at all.

" Uh, hello,” he said warily, still not remembering who these people were. 

" Well," the man said, “are you going to let us  stand here all day or are you going to invite us in?" 

His memory got foggy then.  He remembered pouring them drinks  and then refreshing his own, but he still couldn't place their names.  He remembered flashes of  laughter and the way the woman was admiring the house.  The next thing he remembered was waking up in his La-Z-Boy with his face bleeding.

The sirens sounded closer.  He knew he should stay and wait for the police, but he also knew how the scene looked.  He was not ready for any kind of interrogation.  The main thing he wanted to find out was what happened during his blackout, and where his family was.

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