Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My reading habits have changed quite a bit over the years, and I think that’s true of just about everyone. With all our busy schedules, trying to find the time to read takes more effort than it used to. In the past, before I went to college and had to read to earn my degree, I used to read almost a book or two a week. Working just forty hours a week and having the evenings and weekends off, I could really find the time to read.

These days, however, it’s harder to find that time.  Working almost sixty hours a week, including evenings and weekends, makes it difficult to find the time.  However, I have to find the time---if I didn’t keep up with my reading for myself I think I would really feel the withdrawal. I read both for enjoyment and for my profession, and I like to be able to get away from critical reading by escaping in a good novel.

Reading critically comes naturally to me now since I use it so much in my career and in my daily life as well.  With so much out there it is a must that one reads with a critical eye to determine what something is that needs to be remembered, or just to be skimmed and placed away for future reference. 

I know that even when I retire, if I ever do, I will still continue to read both critically and for enjoyment. I think if I go a day without a book, a magazine, or a newspaper in my hand I will feel lost.

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